Thursday, May 7, 2015

We are in a drought people!

When I leave for work every morning, I cant help but notice all these well manicured lawns and sprinklers going off with puddles all over the sidewalk.
First we have this gem above. Although its hard to see,they had a broken sprinkler or something, so there was this giant stream of water shooting up from the corner of the yard and making a mess. What a waste!

ALthough his lawn isnt the most beautiful, look how freaking green it is! For real...

And then theres that lawn to the left of the house. Look how bright green that is! 

And last but not least there's this house that has sprinklers going off everywhere. I mean just look at the uniform color of the lawn. Obviously gets waters a lot.

People seriously need to take this drought seriously. California is running out of water and all these people are watering every morning like there's water to spare! I think everybody make a few changes to help reduce the amount of water we are using. Shortening how long we take showers, not watering our yards as much. Even switch to water friendly plants. Things that do well with very little water. Just the smallest changes can make a huge difference if everybody participates.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


So yesterday was pretty busy for me, so I didnt have a chance to post anything! But nonetheless I am here now! So today I am going to rant about some of the things that come with working with children.
1. The never ending "why?" Why cant I do this? Why is something the way it is? and of course the simple "lets say why to everything the teacher says!" A person can only take so many whys before they crack!
2. Bodily fluids always find their way to you. Between saliva, mucus, and everything else imaginable. Seriously, its like these children wait for you to get down to their level before they decided to sneeze!
3. Certain voices that people find annoying, you become immune to. "Dont you hear that obnoxious whine???" "Someones whining?"
4. SERIOUSLY STOP PUTTING THINGS IN YOUR MOUTH! I swear I must say that at least 50 times a day. I wouldnt mind so much if they weren't putting rocks, sand, and other things they find on the ground in their mouths. Yuck!

So these are just a few things that drive me crazy through out the week. Its always an adventure working with children. What am I going to do when im no longer working here?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

There wasn't a lot of funny ones today. But nonetheless I enjoyed these!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

You had one job!

So this morning was rather irritating! My friend and I go to the school gym every Saturday morning at 9 am sharp! So today we get there about 10 minutes before 9 and wait for it to open. Time passes and it reaches 9, but no one shows up. At this point there are a small handful of us standing outside waiting. Even more time passes and still no one shows! Eventually one of the floor couches shows up for his shift and becomes very irritated when we tell him nobody is there. So he leaves to try and find someone to open the gym for us. It wasn't till 10 that someone finally came and opened the gym. However,since it wasn't the desk person we couldn't even log in to get our hours! Luckily the couch was able to sign us off for the time we stood there waiting plus the hour we spent at the gym. So we got two hours for one hour of work.. So even though it was irritating having to wait there forever, everything worked out fine. All I have to say about the whole experience is that the person who was suppose to open the gym this morning and never showed up better have gotten in a car accident or something that made it impossible to call somebody and say she wasnt going to be there! This isn't the first time that woman was late, but the first time she never showed up that I know of. Personally I think she should be fired. There is no excuse to consistently be late. There are people who pay to be there and students who have limited time and are trying to complete their hours. If you're being payed plus various benefits, the least you can do is show up on time! Anyway, thats the end of my rant for the day. Ill be posting some funny memes shortly for you all to see!

A Chance to Help

While reading through posts on my Facebook and I came across a post that really touched me. My friend had posted a link to a voting page to help one of his long time friends who is in wheelchair, win a accessible car. Normally I don't get to interested in the whole vote to help someone win, because typically its for the cutest baby or something stupid like that. However reading this mans story was touching. Anybody who is willing to do service for others, regardless of the weather and any handicap or problem they may have, deserves all the help they can get. It touched me that this man in a wheel chair would so kindly go up and down his street to help his neighbors by putting away their waste cans. I don't know about any of you, but I can walk perfectly fine and I HATE pulling those cans back up onto my patio. I cant imagine doing 25-50 of them! That's the kind of person I want to help. Someone that is kind and tries to help others, regardless of what life throws at them! If you want to help click on this link >>> and continue helping by sharing this with other people you know! Lets help get this man a way to be more independent again! Dont forget, you can vote daily! That means he could get almost 30 votes from just you alone! And all it takes is about 5 seconds of your time while on facebook. :)
                  With best wishes Bart,
                                   Love Simply From Me

Friday, May 1, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

Just your daily dose of things that made me chuckle. Enjoy!

How Do They Make it Look So Easy!!

So I like to have fun with my food, makes me enjoy it more. Ive seen a lot of videos recently of people making these awesome pancakes! If you havent seen it go to this website>>>
 It looked super easy and in theory I could figure it out in my mind. So I decided that for breakfast thats what I was going to make. I figured mickey was a good start. You know, cause I'm a Disney nerd. Also they had to be in color, so naturally I chose red. Granted it came out more pink than red, which I am totally fine with! :D So I got a little ketchup squeezy bottle and used that to make my pancake. First I made a smiley face kid and there was apparently a little chunk so it got stopped out and I was trying to get it out and it ended up splooging at the bottom of the face. SO the kid has a boil or something going on there.

So after the little face I moved on to the Mickey head. Which personally, I don't think it turned out too bad. His face got a little squished a the bottom when trying to flip him over. You should give it a try. If anything its fun to make and just as fun to eat! yummmy!