Tuesday, May 5, 2015


So yesterday was pretty busy for me, so I didnt have a chance to post anything! But nonetheless I am here now! So today I am going to rant about some of the things that come with working with children.
1. The never ending "why?" Why cant I do this? Why is something the way it is? and of course the simple "lets say why to everything the teacher says!" A person can only take so many whys before they crack!
2. Bodily fluids always find their way to you. Between saliva, mucus, and everything else imaginable. Seriously, its like these children wait for you to get down to their level before they decided to sneeze!
3. Certain voices that people find annoying, you become immune to. "Dont you hear that obnoxious whine???" "Someones whining?"
4. SERIOUSLY STOP PUTTING THINGS IN YOUR MOUTH! I swear I must say that at least 50 times a day. I wouldnt mind so much if they weren't putting rocks, sand, and other things they find on the ground in their mouths. Yuck!

So these are just a few things that drive me crazy through out the week. Its always an adventure working with children. What am I going to do when im no longer working here?

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