Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Chance to Help

While reading through posts on my Facebook and I came across a post that really touched me. My friend had posted a link to a voting page to help one of his long time friends who is in wheelchair, win a accessible car. Normally I don't get to interested in the whole vote to help someone win, because typically its for the cutest baby or something stupid like that. However reading this mans story was touching. Anybody who is willing to do service for others, regardless of the weather and any handicap or problem they may have, deserves all the help they can get. It touched me that this man in a wheel chair would so kindly go up and down his street to help his neighbors by putting away their waste cans. I don't know about any of you, but I can walk perfectly fine and I HATE pulling those cans back up onto my patio. I cant imagine doing 25-50 of them! That's the kind of person I want to help. Someone that is kind and tries to help others, regardless of what life throws at them! If you want to help click on this link >>> and continue helping by sharing this with other people you know! Lets help get this man a way to be more independent again! Dont forget, you can vote daily! That means he could get almost 30 votes from just you alone! And all it takes is about 5 seconds of your time while on facebook. :)
                  With best wishes Bart,
                                   Love Simply From Me

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