Thursday, May 7, 2015

We are in a drought people!

When I leave for work every morning, I cant help but notice all these well manicured lawns and sprinklers going off with puddles all over the sidewalk.
First we have this gem above. Although its hard to see,they had a broken sprinkler or something, so there was this giant stream of water shooting up from the corner of the yard and making a mess. What a waste!

ALthough his lawn isnt the most beautiful, look how freaking green it is! For real...

And then theres that lawn to the left of the house. Look how bright green that is! 

And last but not least there's this house that has sprinklers going off everywhere. I mean just look at the uniform color of the lawn. Obviously gets waters a lot.

People seriously need to take this drought seriously. California is running out of water and all these people are watering every morning like there's water to spare! I think everybody make a few changes to help reduce the amount of water we are using. Shortening how long we take showers, not watering our yards as much. Even switch to water friendly plants. Things that do well with very little water. Just the smallest changes can make a huge difference if everybody participates.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


So yesterday was pretty busy for me, so I didnt have a chance to post anything! But nonetheless I am here now! So today I am going to rant about some of the things that come with working with children.
1. The never ending "why?" Why cant I do this? Why is something the way it is? and of course the simple "lets say why to everything the teacher says!" A person can only take so many whys before they crack!
2. Bodily fluids always find their way to you. Between saliva, mucus, and everything else imaginable. Seriously, its like these children wait for you to get down to their level before they decided to sneeze!
3. Certain voices that people find annoying, you become immune to. "Dont you hear that obnoxious whine???" "Someones whining?"
4. SERIOUSLY STOP PUTTING THINGS IN YOUR MOUTH! I swear I must say that at least 50 times a day. I wouldnt mind so much if they weren't putting rocks, sand, and other things they find on the ground in their mouths. Yuck!

So these are just a few things that drive me crazy through out the week. Its always an adventure working with children. What am I going to do when im no longer working here?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

There wasn't a lot of funny ones today. But nonetheless I enjoyed these!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

You had one job!

So this morning was rather irritating! My friend and I go to the school gym every Saturday morning at 9 am sharp! So today we get there about 10 minutes before 9 and wait for it to open. Time passes and it reaches 9, but no one shows up. At this point there are a small handful of us standing outside waiting. Even more time passes and still no one shows! Eventually one of the floor couches shows up for his shift and becomes very irritated when we tell him nobody is there. So he leaves to try and find someone to open the gym for us. It wasn't till 10 that someone finally came and opened the gym. However,since it wasn't the desk person we couldn't even log in to get our hours! Luckily the couch was able to sign us off for the time we stood there waiting plus the hour we spent at the gym. So we got two hours for one hour of work.. So even though it was irritating having to wait there forever, everything worked out fine. All I have to say about the whole experience is that the person who was suppose to open the gym this morning and never showed up better have gotten in a car accident or something that made it impossible to call somebody and say she wasnt going to be there! This isn't the first time that woman was late, but the first time she never showed up that I know of. Personally I think she should be fired. There is no excuse to consistently be late. There are people who pay to be there and students who have limited time and are trying to complete their hours. If you're being payed plus various benefits, the least you can do is show up on time! Anyway, thats the end of my rant for the day. Ill be posting some funny memes shortly for you all to see!

A Chance to Help

While reading through posts on my Facebook and I came across a post that really touched me. My friend had posted a link to a voting page to help one of his long time friends who is in wheelchair, win a accessible car. Normally I don't get to interested in the whole vote to help someone win, because typically its for the cutest baby or something stupid like that. However reading this mans story was touching. Anybody who is willing to do service for others, regardless of the weather and any handicap or problem they may have, deserves all the help they can get. It touched me that this man in a wheel chair would so kindly go up and down his street to help his neighbors by putting away their waste cans. I don't know about any of you, but I can walk perfectly fine and I HATE pulling those cans back up onto my patio. I cant imagine doing 25-50 of them! That's the kind of person I want to help. Someone that is kind and tries to help others, regardless of what life throws at them! If you want to help click on this link >>> and continue helping by sharing this with other people you know! Lets help get this man a way to be more independent again! Dont forget, you can vote daily! That means he could get almost 30 votes from just you alone! And all it takes is about 5 seconds of your time while on facebook. :)
                  With best wishes Bart,
                                   Love Simply From Me

Friday, May 1, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

Just your daily dose of things that made me chuckle. Enjoy!

How Do They Make it Look So Easy!!

So I like to have fun with my food, makes me enjoy it more. Ive seen a lot of videos recently of people making these awesome pancakes! If you havent seen it go to this website>>>
 It looked super easy and in theory I could figure it out in my mind. So I decided that for breakfast thats what I was going to make. I figured mickey was a good start. You know, cause I'm a Disney nerd. Also they had to be in color, so naturally I chose red. Granted it came out more pink than red, which I am totally fine with! :D So I got a little ketchup squeezy bottle and used that to make my pancake. First I made a smiley face kid and there was apparently a little chunk so it got stopped out and I was trying to get it out and it ended up splooging at the bottom of the face. SO the kid has a boil or something going on there.

So after the little face I moved on to the Mickey head. Which personally, I don't think it turned out too bad. His face got a little squished a the bottom when trying to flip him over. You should give it a try. If anything its fun to make and just as fun to eat! yummmy!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Doing Good is a Pleasure

"Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure!" These words ring true for me today! Yesterday a woman on the street outside my work found a wallet and brought it to me asking if It belonged to any of the parents. I opened the wallet and looked inside at the ID. I didn't recognize the woman in the photo. So I told the woman I would hold onto it in case the woman who lost came back looking. I took it to my coworker and told her what happened. Inside there was a New Mexico drivers liscence, a Costco card, and a couple bank cards. So right away my co-worker started calling Costco and the bank in hopes of locating the woman. There wasn't much luck and apparently the woman hadn't called it in stolen (if she's like me, she probably didn't notice It was gone for awhile!). So my coworker Facebook stalked her and tried to message her, but that didn't work. So then we kept an eye out on the street to see if she came looking around for it. We saw her on a bike, but by the chance we could do any thing she was already gone. Turns out she was the neighbors sister who was visiting! To think all that time she was just next door! She had called her bank to cancel her card and they told her where we were. She was so thankful! It made me feel good and I'm sure it made me coworker feel good. I also commend the woman who brought it to us! There is still lots of good in the world, sometimes you just have to start the cycle. Because the woman on the street did something good by bringing it to me, I felt the need to do good and find the owner, which in turn also made my coworker want to do good. And In the end it all worked out :) today the woman who lost her wallet came by my work again and brought us basket full of goodies as a thank you! All I can say is what goes around comes around. If you put good ou

Gardening: My Love

Among the many random things I like to do, gardening is at the top of that list. Something about watching plants grow from seeds into beautiful plants brings me a sense of satisfaction. To add the cherry to the top of this beautiful hobby of mine, is seeing butterflies and other creatures enjoying your garden to! :) I'm no expert at gardening, but I think I've learned a few things in my years of gardening that have been helpful for me.

One of the first things I've learned to do is experiment in location. There are some plants that say they do best in full sun, but that's not always the case! For example in this picture below, it said to plant in full sun, however I planted it in a hanging pot in a mostly shady place and it grew quite lovely. However its brothers that I have put in the full sun area in the same conditions, did not to well and died.

I've also always scattered eggshells into the soil and from time to time spread bone meal and blood meal and mix the dirt a little. Supposedly I'm helping the plants. Haha As seen in the picture below you can see specks of white throughout the area. Also California poppies will grow anywhere from my experience. So if you want something pretty in your yard that adds color, plant some of these. They can be in dry dirt and full sun and grow strong. In the mornings when the sun hasn't quite reached them (like in this picture) the little orange flowers are still closed up, but when the sun comes out they open up and its just beautiful! I also recommend planting Milkweed in your garden! It will encourage the population growth of monarch butterflies! Milkweed is vital for their survival because they need it in order to survive. It whats known as their "Host plant" its kinds hard to see in the picture, but its in the back middle next to the poppies with the little redish orange flowers! It does grow bigger, but I personally wouldnt call it a weed. Its kinda bushy.

Sometimes I plant things and cant remember what it was that I planted and a lot of times I don't label it. So when i have a plant like the one below that hasnt bloomed yet, I get excited to see buds! Its like Christmas when they bloom. You dont know what your going to get till its opened!

Below are just a few pictures of the plants that are doing well in the yard and that I really enjoy the color and look of! Those little multi-colored fuzzy ones are just adorable! I think I want to buy more of them!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

First Cause You Can Help!

As many may know, I love animals. All animals! Doesn't matter which kind. So a friend of mine shared this post on her Facebook the other day and I can't help but share. This little guy has some pretty hefty vet bills! If you're able to help out, I'm sure the owner would greatly appreciate it! Snakes are such beautiful creatures!

Daily Dose of Humor

There were quite a few sad memes today! I'd rather keep thing light and funny. Although there were a few "sad" Ones that I found funny. Nonetheless, here are the gems I enjoyed today!

I'm a POKEMON nerd. Don't judge me! :p

Its in the Dress Code

So this article has been conquering my new feed on Facebook. You can read the article here >>>
Basically this dad is POed about his daughter getting in trouble for wearing spaghetti strapped dress to school. I was reading through the comments because it entertains me. Its like reality tv in words. Most of the people agreed with the dchool and thought the dad was being ridiculous. There were a few people who were mad, But that was like 5% maybe. So here are my thoughts on the topic:
1. Its in the school handbook under the dress code that children are nut suppose to wear spaghetti straps. If you were not ok with that, then you shouldn't have signed the paper and enrolled your kid.
2. If you let your child wear revealing clothes now, then don't complain when shes a teenager and dresses in provocative clothes. Same applies to boys. Don't dress them like little gangbangers when their young and then later say "I don't know how he ended up like this!" really people... Not to say that it always turns out that way, but things happen in stages. So if you start out dressing your child in tiny shorts, they're likely to progress from there.
So those are my thoughts! If you don't agree I'm sorry. Well not really sorry. But I respect your opinion!

Hold The Gluten

So many people I know can't eat gluten. I used to think what a horrible life to have. But honestly it's not that bad eating gluten free things. With the exception of cookies! I have not found a gluten free cookie that I actually like. Yuck.  Anyway, I eat a lot of gluten free pasta and occasionally bread. I don't eat a lot of bread in General. I try to avoid it as much as possible. So this morning I had to leave at the crack of dawn for work. So what better breakfast is there than frozen waffles for the hard to wake up mornings? Well grandma had bought gluten free waffles. I was concerned of how it would taste. Heck I was concerned about the texture. A lot of gluten free things have weird textures! So I pop that bad boy in toaster and discovered it gets crispy really fast! Luckily I didn't burn it completely! Just a small section. Keep that in mind fellow gluten avoided, they toast fast! So for me I like to have jam/preserves on my waffles. I don't really care for syrup. So I put some apricot preserves on my gluten free waffle. It actually tasted pretty good! It tasted a little different than your average waffle and it was crunchier. But over All I didn't mind It so much.I'd reccomend it as a gluten free option. #SimplyFromMeApproved

        -Simply From Me, you're welcome! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

So as promised, I have a few things I found via facebook today that I thought was rather funny! I have weird humor, so some of you may not think its as funny as I did. Also anything I post will be clean humor, no profanity! Enjoy!

With finals coming up soon at Palomar, this is often how I feel!
 This also applies to people you carpool with!

 All I can say is LOL

Allergies are the worst! I love spring, just not the allergies that come with it!

Just aww look at that little spot!

I'd be terrified!!

Story of my freaking life! I have lots of experience in Child Care now, but everything else is a big fat NOPE!

I can think of a few people...



So wrong, but too hard not to laugh...

To top it all off, I was reading an article on Facebook about a person who got cooked along with a bunch of tuna at Bumble Bees Factory and a couple employees and the company are being accused. Anyway thats not the funny part, that's rather sad for the man who died with the fishes. What WAS funny was when I was reading some of the comments, someone wrote "Man cooked with tuna fish, two employees suspect. Sounds fishy to me..." (paraphrased) I DIED laughing. It was such a serious matter and here I was laughing at the most simplest of puns! Oh my goodness! Anyway, hope you all laughed as much as I did
If you have anything funny that you would like to share and potentially be featured on here, send me an email with the material at