Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Dose of Humor

So as promised, I have a few things I found via facebook today that I thought was rather funny! I have weird humor, so some of you may not think its as funny as I did. Also anything I post will be clean humor, no profanity! Enjoy!

With finals coming up soon at Palomar, this is often how I feel!
 This also applies to people you carpool with!

 All I can say is LOL

Allergies are the worst! I love spring, just not the allergies that come with it!

Just aww look at that little spot!

I'd be terrified!!

Story of my freaking life! I have lots of experience in Child Care now, but everything else is a big fat NOPE!

I can think of a few people...



So wrong, but too hard not to laugh...

To top it all off, I was reading an article on Facebook about a person who got cooked along with a bunch of tuna at Bumble Bees Factory and a couple employees and the company are being accused. Anyway thats not the funny part, that's rather sad for the man who died with the fishes. What WAS funny was when I was reading some of the comments, someone wrote "Man cooked with tuna fish, two employees suspect. Sounds fishy to me..." (paraphrased) I DIED laughing. It was such a serious matter and here I was laughing at the most simplest of puns! Oh my goodness! Anyway, hope you all laughed as much as I did
If you have anything funny that you would like to share and potentially be featured on here, send me an email with the material at dudgeonshgpa@gmail.com

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