Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Who Said Eating Healthy Was Hard?

So as some may know, I've been trying to get healthier. Loosing weight, changing the way I eat and try to get more exercise. I'm always looking for good alternatives to foods I like to eat but are not really good for me. I'm not really a picky eater. I'll eat most anything with a few exceptions. My grandma and I like to shop at health food stores. Honestly I don't find it to be all that much different buying organic vs non organic. If its healthier I'll do it. Anyway, I like to eat hamburgers. Not so much the bread, just the meat mainly. But since trying to eat healthier I've stopped eating red meat and that means no hamburger! I know, sounds terrible right? But for me it wasn't so bad. I found that I don't really miss it. I make sure to take vitamins and eat other foods that have just as much protein and benefits. So the other day me and my grandma were shopping at Costco and we we're walking through the frozen section by the hamburgers. My mouth started watering! Man I wanted some of that! Well at the end there were a few veggie burger options. But to make things more difficulty, my grandma's allergic to milk. So any thing we buy has to be dairy free. Well all the veggie burgers except for one had milk in it. The one dairy free veggie burger also happened to be organic! Bonus right? At least it had something going for it. I decided why not and grandma was down to get it. So we picked a box up. Each box has 12 patties in it. I don't remember how much it was. So today while packing my lunch for work I decided I'd cook one up and have that for lunch. You can microwave it, fry it, or bake it. Your options keeps going. Well I'm lazy, so I microwaved it. While cutting it up into bite-sized pieces I decided to try a piece. IT WAS FREAKING DELICIOUS! Granted it didn't taste like a hamburger, but it was really good! I can't wait till lunch so I can finish it! I'd recommend it. :) 

                       ~Simply From Me, You're Welcome!

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